domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017

Week 6 - telephone and letter.

  • Write a letter to a friend telling him/her, among other things, what you are doing to improve your English when you are not in class. Use phrasal verbs in your letter.
Dear Cloe,

I am studying English everyday to improve it. I love doing exercises in a book, because they are very interesting. Also, you can watch films in English and you can also read some news in the newspapers, in magazines or on Internet. One activity, which you can do, is related to foreign people as an English family. You can practise your English with them twice a week.

I feel proud of me due to the amazing effort that I am doing. I will cheer up when I will obtain my good marks in the English exam. I am sure that you can do the same as me, so you can get better in English and pass your exams.

I'm sorry I have stopped here, I have got to continue with my exercises and I want to watch a film of Harry Potter on Internet in English.



  • Look for links on the Internet showing how to write correct letters and publish those links in your blog.
  • Add any other thing you have done this week to improve and consolidate your English.
I was speaking with two girls of England on Monday night because there is a place where you can speak and drink some beers in Murcia. 

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