sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017



Students who’ve failed to get their funding sorted out in time pose a regular start-of-term challenge for Rob Ellis, financial information support adviser at Swansea University and chair of the National Association of Student Money Advisers. 
“Often they apply and think that’s it,” he says. “They don’t have a letter back and by the time they get to university they find out they were meant to supply more information.”
For students securing a place through clearing, this can mean details of their new course – which will need to be sent through to Student Finance (for students in England) as soon as possible. Confirmation of any changes to the amount you’re eligible for – if you’ll now be studying in London, for example – will follow. Finance is released once students enrol and are physically present at the university.
Next September, students at English universities will pay tuition fees of up to £9,250 a year and receive loans to cover the fees, paid directly to their institution. They’ll also be eligible for means-tested maintenance loans, paid directly into their bank accounts at the start of each term.
But to secure the loans they must first apply to the student finance body relevant to the part of the UK they’re from. Loan arrangements differ for different regions of the UK, but students funded by Student Finance England will be due to start repaying the loans once they’re earning more than £21,000, from the April after they stop the course.
Meanwhile, they’ll need to budget. “The first term is a long term to last on one payment, so don’t do the obvious thing of wasting the loan in the first month,” advises Fergus Macphee, 22, now in his third year at Manchester University after gaining a place through clearing to study drama and film. “Christmas is expensive, and if you run out of cash you will be totally miserable in the run up to January.”
His other piece of advice is to remember when rent payments come out of your bank account “so you don’t end up owing estate agents a lot of money”.
Different universities and cities will involve different living costs and you should be able to get some idea of what these are likely to be by checking out the various institutions’ websites.
It is important to find out what most students there actually spend, rather than what you could get away with spending, in theory, if you never went out or celebrated your friends’ birthdays, and managed to secure a bargain place to live.
One of the disadvantages of getting a place through clearing is that you can miss out on the most sought-after accommodation, which may be cheaper or closer to the institution, so it’s important to sort this out as soon as possible.
It’s also a good idea to think about whether or not you will need a part-time job, says Ellis. Again, the best jobs – particularly those on campus – are often snapped up early.
The financial support individual students receive can vary significantly because of means-testing and because some parents are much more generous – or better off – than others, so realistic prioritising is essential.
“Students have to manage money to have a good experience,” says Ellis. “If they spend aimlessly they cannot afford to spend on what they enjoy.”


Maggie: Hi Tom, have you finished your homework? 
Tom: Oh hi Maggie. No, I haven’t. 
Maggie: The deadline is tomorrow you know so you have to submit it tomorrow.
Tom: I can’t make it. I haven’t even started it yet. Can we hand it in next week? -> In this sentence, "can" means ability. The ability to do it the deadline or the ability to hand it in next week. 
Maggie: I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Mrs. Robinson about that. I think you must finish it by tomorrow. She probably won’t accept projects after tomorrow. -> "Must" expresses obligation since the activity has to be sent or handed tomorrow. 
Tom: I’ve had so many other things to do. I couldn’t even start it. I don’t know what to do. -> "Couldn't" means ability in the past. He couldn't do the exercise. 
Maggie: Don’t worry. I’ll help you. It’s not very difficult. I finished it in one day. 
Tom: Really? Great! 
Maggie: First, you should read the article that Mrs. Robinson gave us. It’s about the Mohican Civilization. Then, you have to design a poster for a play about them – the Mohicans – for the theatre. -> "Should" means a recommendation of doing something, so in this sentence, Maggie recommends to read the article to Tom. Another modal verb is "have to". In this example, it functions as the necessity of designing the poster. 
Tom: Yeah I know but it looks a bit difficult… 
Maggie: Not at all. You don’t have to make the poster from scratch and it doesn’t have to be a work of art. There are lots of templates on the internet. You can just use one of those designs to make your own poster. -> "Don't have to" means that you are not obliged to make the poster. "Can" means possibility in this sentence. You have the possibility to use one of those designs. 
Tom: Well, I think I can do it. What title shall I use? Can you help me? -> "Can" suggests the ability to do something or helping somebody. 
Maggie: Yeah, I can give you some suggestions but you mustn’t use the same title as anyone else in our class. You have to create your own title. -> "Can" shows us the possibility to give you some suggestions. "Mustn't" expresses the ban of using the same title. "Have to" expresses the necessity. 
Tom: Okay, I can come up with something I guess. -> "Can" means the possibility to come up with. 
Maggie: Alright?
Tom: Yeah, I’ve got to go now and make a start on it. I’ll follow the project guidelines like you said. Thanks, Maggie. 
Maggie: No problem. Good luck! 

- Watching films in the original score. One of them was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. 
- Reading newspapers such as the guardian. 
- Listening to the radio sometimes in English when I drive. 
- Doing exercises taken from "Advance grammar in use"

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