miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017




This report presents a list using the different connectors, such as firstly, secondly and finally. The author also writes an introduction at the beginning of the text. 

In the second last paragraph also uses some recommendations about the gym. The author of this text uses "I suggest that we consider..." to recommend. 

Moreover, he uses an impersonal style and the report is divided into different parts. 



In this proposal, we could find several similarities to the reports, but a proposal has more space for recommendations for future actions. We could see the different parts of the proposal: introduction, survey, recommendations, and conclusion.

The part of the recommendations is the most important in a proposal because it shows the difference between a report and a proposal. In this part of the text, we suggest new ideas about a possible location of the grant promised by the government to sports facilities.

Also, the author of this proposal uses an impersonal style as well as the report and clear headings to separate the parts of the proposal.

This week I improve my English doing some exercises of grammar on Internet and I have studied some idioms.

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