martes, 1 de mayo de 2018


More phrasal verbs using the verb take: 

To take away: remove something from one place and put it in the other. 
To take out: go to a restaurant and pay for everything.
To take around: show all the interesting features.
To take for: regard as.
To take aback: surprise or shock; to discomfit.
To take aside: get someone alone to talk to them.


Has there ever been a greater lie perpetuated by any customer care service as this? Eir's customer care is a joke.

My experience with your "customer care" has been a disaster from start to finish. Upon moving out of my house in February, Eir never got in touch with me about the modem in my house. Being the good citizen that I am, I rang Eir to ask them what I should do with the modem. They asked me to post it back to them, which I did immediately. Lo and behold three months later I was charged 53 euro for the modem. Eir, reached into my account and took my money without my permission and without informing me. I am now waiting around 12 weeks to get this money back because Eir, a massive company with a monopoly on the broadband market, "have no facility to refund my card" and seem to be lack the basic competence to write a cheque and send it to the new address, which I have provided 3 times. When I asked if there was someone, such as a supervisor, that I could speak to I was told that it would be against Eir's policy and that if I would like to make a complaint I should do so in writing. By refusing me this opportunity to speak to somebody, I feel Eir are demonstrating a complete lack of regard and "customer care" for their clients. Upon ringing up today and being transferred to the relevant operator as I don't have my account number or phone number for the account anymore, the agent refused to look up my details as "it was against data protection" even though I explained to her three times that Eir have found my account 6 times in the last 6 weeks, using my address and email details. The aforementioned "care" agent then just hung up on me. I'm sure you can't deny that this whole saga is a sorry indictment of Eir's billing system and really points to the fact that Eir simply do not really care about their customers. I have never been so dissatisfied with any provider of any service I have ever received.

This week, I have been doing some exercises of grammar and I have seen a film in English.

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