sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018

Week 3 - In my view

I feel that recycling is a good method to reconstruct new materials. This process is served to extend the life of a product, thus bringing advantages to the earth, nature and the being human. This method reduces the consumption of some new fundamental elements. Nowadays, we can recycle almost every material, such as plastic, paper, and glass.

The process of recycling concerns three steps, which are significant to reduce the material. The first one could be the collection of the used material, the second step making useful goods and the last step consists of the sale of the different products. These steps had to be done by the most human beings to improve our whole world.

I tell you all this because recycling is very relevant to our future. It provides a better life since we use fewer materials and we reuse some elements. Moreover, recycling helps preserve the environment, it helps to take less energy and to use less carbon.




This week I have improved my English doing:

- Some activities of grammar and vocabulary.

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