miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018

WEEK 5 - Rave reviews


This review is about the film "Wuthering Heights" which is a romantic novel, too. We could analyze the structure. The title is "Wuthering Heights". The reviewer gives his opinion since the first moment. Using the following words which I am going to write, he explains that the film will not captivate you: "Arnold’s Wuthering Heights is completely without charm, seemingly oblivious to its audience; it cannot be liked or disliked. The film may well frustrate and it may well absorb, but it will evoke neither revulsion nor delight." He is giving his opinion about the production of the film.

In the second paragraph, comment on the two adaptations of Brönte's novels. Then, he talks about other two films more which have been created by Arnold. He compares the three films. He discusses the different themes of the film, such as love, nature or violence, and finally, the style.

As we can see, he starts a new paragraph when he is saying something different or when he is talking about a different topic of the movie. The author uses comparisons and it makes it interesting, he also uses a specific vocabulary mentioning some sentences or words as "He is a laconic character" or "As Marcus Mumford's plaintive voice sings over flashbacks of Catherine and Heathcliff together, I fell for it instantly". At the end of the review, he gives an evaluation of the film, but he does not give us a recommendation for the movie.

About language and style, he applies some verbs, for instance, like or dislike. He talks about the characters, above all, the two main protagonists: Catherine and Heathcliff using the vocabulary of love and nature, which involve the whole film.

All in all, I can show opinion versus fact in this review, since the author is comparing the facts of the film with his opinion about it. One example of this is "Arnold's style has been called realistic, but in Wuthering Heights, it is more impressionistic; it is a dream-like film. It draws on distinction between inside and out- the weather is seemingly indiscriminate, the characters are quiet but without thought - (...) Arnold's landscape is not sublime and it is not beautiful".

I have improved my English this week doing some exercises about C1 and studying some structures of the book.

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018

Week 4 - who we are


- all ears = fully listening.

- break a leg = good-luck.

- cost an arm and a leg = be very expensive

- get something off one's chest = tell someone your problems.

- give a hand, lend a hand = help (someone) do something.

- head start = an earlier start





The activities which have done this week are:

- Reading some articles in the newspaper.

- Listening to the radio two days of this week for 1 hour and a half.

Week 3 - In my view

I feel that recycling is a good method to reconstruct new materials. This process is served to extend the life of a product, thus bringing advantages to the earth, nature and the being human. This method reduces the consumption of some new fundamental elements. Nowadays, we can recycle almost every material, such as plastic, paper, and glass.

The process of recycling concerns three steps, which are significant to reduce the material. The first one could be the collection of the used material, the second step making useful goods and the last step consists of the sale of the different products. These steps had to be done by the most human beings to improve our whole world.

I tell you all this because recycling is very relevant to our future. It provides a better life since we use fewer materials and we reuse some elements. Moreover, recycling helps preserve the environment, it helps to take less energy and to use less carbon.




This week I have improved my English doing:

- Some activities of grammar and vocabulary.

Week 2 - essay writing




Major difficulties I find when I write an essay is the search for the thesis statement, that is, its creation. Coherence and cohesion are features very relevant in an essay but they are also very difficult. Also, it could have a little of difficulty the conclusion, since you could write new information and you could not forget to summarise the main point of your essay.

You have to focus on the style and the formal language because it has to be formal.

Some of these points are very relevant in an essay and we must follow these rules to write an excellent essay.

I have done this week to improve my English has been:

- Listening some activities on the Internet to improve my hearing.