miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017


Paris would be the perfect city to live. When I am 50 years old, that city will continue being as wonderful as it is today. Notwithstanding it is a beautiful city due to its landscapes, its Eiffel Tower, its gardens, its museums, its beloved Notre Dame cathedral, its wonderful picturesque neighborhood called Montmatre, all its culture and its people; it is an ideal city where you can see the joy, the tourism of different types of people and, of course, the food. 

I think that when I am 50 years old, I could enjoy everything there and I could get more knowledge due to the different kinds of culture. For instance, I would love to go to museums, to learn everything that I could find inside a museum. Also, I would to go to the opera or the theatre and I would enjoy to see several performances of Parisian people.

Moreover, weather is seemed to Spanish weather. So, it could be a positif point to go there. I would be delighted, because it would be the perfect city. In winter, it would be a beautiful weather due to snow, although it could be a little cold. However, in summer, it would be a perfect weather. We would have a sun and a hot weather. 

Krakow, a cheap city where I could live and it is a beautiful city. 

Rome. It is a wonderful city and it has a lot of culture, as monuments, theatres and basilicas. 

The activities you've done this week to improve my English have been:

I have been practising my writing doing some essays and I have been listening the radio in English.

martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017


A very fun, creative and easy invention is an umbrella that carries a plastic to the ground. This plastic makes that you cannot drop a single drop in your body and you can see the rain through it, while you are walking through the city. In addition, it has a zipper that comes from below to the umbrella. You can open inside the plastic to be able to remove it when you arrive at your house, office or any store.

It could be very useful in countries where it rains a lot, where there are monsoons or just heavy rains. Also, it could be a good invention to protect you from the windier days, since you can arrive in a perfect way to work.

Finally, my techniques of this week about learning English have been: 

I have been some chapters of Grey's Anatomy in English and I have listened to the radio in English. 

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017


From my point of view, a successful business is a good idea for a project that has developed until it becomes a magnificent business. This successful work has to have a high capital, a special environment of well-known people to sell and to obtain a reputation. Moreover, people who work in this employment should have friendliness, know how to behave and cheerful.


Jayson DeMers, 
Here are 3 reasons you won’t ever be successful (and how you can prove me wrong). 1.    You Spend Too Much Time on Facebook. 2.    You Think You're Working Hard. But You Aren't. 3.    You Aren't Efficient.

Choose the best 5 things to take into account for a successful business and justify your answer.

1. Be Fearless. - This point is very important for a successful business since if you are not a brave person, you cannot dare to do nothing. So, people, who plan to have a business, need a huge courage to face this job.

2. Understand Finance. - You cannot reach a relevant position in business if you do not understand finance. This tricky point can build up with the help of several entrepreneurs. Furthermore, finance is the key to be a good businessman or businesswoman and to earn a big sum of money. 

3. Acquire Partners. - In order to develop a business, an entrepreneur must have a team of people who know about the theme of a fund. They must have motivation, cheerful and attitude to obtain everything and to better the business. 

4. Showing Gratitude. - Education, respect, giving thanks and apologizing are features which any business must have. Entrepreneurs must have these features and not forget who they are. Also, their team must have education and respect while they do their job. It is a fundamental aspect to get a lot of producers.

5. The Importance of Family. - The level of power, which can get a famous entrepreneur, could be an influent to become a selfish person and not think about the family. For that reason, a successful business must not transform your personality and you must always think of your relatives and take care of them. 

This week, I have improved my English because I have been reading a book in English called "Sense and Sensibility".