martes, 29 de mayo de 2018


The blog is really a good method to write every week and to practice writing in English. Maybe, a recommendation could be that the teacher would correct some blogs for this period of time. It could be a help for us and to improve some mistakes that we commit to blogs.

Another idea is, for example, to give some tips about the common mistakes or when they correct some blogs of the different students, writing some blogs comment the common mistakes and what could be improved.


The ways of presenting data vary depending upon what you want to present to the reader. The Results section should include all of the experimental data collected throughout the experiment that was necessary in reaching the ultimate conclusions drawn. This includes tables, graphs, Western blots, SDS-PAGE results, etc... Each set of data requires a logically selected label (e.g. Figure 1 or Table 1) and a descriptive title referring to the nature of the experiment. A brief paragraph of explanation should be included for each table or figure as well so that the reader knows exactly what he or she is looking at. Graphs and tables require some discretion in terms of what needs to be included and what doesn't. You have to decide for yourself what information is essential for the reader's understanding of the paper, but do it carefully. Not enough information can confuse and lose the reader, but too much information can become monotonous for the reader. As a general rule, raw data does not need to be included; it should be formed into some sort of graph whether that be a line graph, a bar graph, a pie graph, or whatever you feel is necessary to point out the important trends that help tell your story; you decide what the data calls for. Then the proper labels must be assigned to each axis if you choose to use a bar or a line graph. Also with graphs, the standard deviation for each datum will sometimes be required by your professor. Without the level of error provided, the reader has no idea how consistent your findings are. However, in a laboratory class, often you will not obtain the data to calculate the standard deviation. It will depend on your professor and the experiment being performed. Also (just like every other table, picture, or graph) an, explanatory paragraph must be included to guide the reader along.

Protein Values
 Experiment Absorbance Protein
 Media 0.57 2.04
 Media/LPS 0.60 2.16
 Vehicle 0.61 2.20
 Vehicle/LPS 0.66 2.36
 Drug 0.69 2.50
 Drug/LPS 0.61 2.22

I have been studying grammar and listening to music in English. 


Sample Personal Descriptive Essay

I have always been fascinated by carnival rides. It amazes me that average, ordinary people eagerly trade in the serenity of the ground for the chance to be tossed through the air like vegetables in a food processor. It amazes me that at some time in history someone thought that people would enjoy this, and that person invented what must have been the first of these terrifying machines. For me, it is precisely the thrill and excitement of having survived the ride that keeps me coming back for more.
My first experience with a carnival ride was a Ferris wheel at a local fair. Looking at that looming monstrosity spinning the life out of its sardine-caged occupants, I was dumbstruck. It was huge, smoky, noisy and not a little intimidating. Ever since that initial impression became fossilized in my imagination many years ago, these rides have reminded me of mythical beasts, amazing dinosaurs carrying off their screaming passengers like sacrificial virgins. Even the droning sound of their engines brings to mind the great roar of a fire-breathing dragon with smoke spewing from its exhaust-pipe nostrils.
The first ride on one of these fantastic beasts gave me an instant rush of adrenaline. As the death-defying ride started, a lump in my throat pulsed like a dislodged heart ready to walk the plank. As the ride gained speed, the resistance to gravity built up against my body until I was unable to move. An almost imperceptible pause as the wheel reached the top of its climb allowed my body to relax in a brief state of normalcy. Then there was an assault of stomach-turning weightlessness as the machine continued its rotation and I descended back toward the earth. A cymbal-like crash vibrated through the air as the wheel reached bottom, and much to my surprise I began to rise again.
Each new rotation gave me more confidence in the churning machine. Every ascent left me elated that I had survived the previous death-defying fall. When another nerve-wracking climb failed to follow the last exhilarating descent and the ride was over, I knew I was hooked. Physically and emotionally drained, I followed my fellow passengers down the clanging metal steps to reach the safety of my former footing. I had been spared, but only to have the opportunity to ride again.
My fascination with these fantastic flights is deeply engrained in my soul. A trip on the wonderful Ferris wheel never fails to thrill me. Although I am becoming older and have less time, or less inclination, to play, the child-like thrill I have on a Ferris wheel continues with each and every ride.

This text uses a vivid language with interested adjectives such as churning or exhaust- pipe. It uses formal vocabulary. Also, it uses similes because it shows a vivid language. 

I have been studying grammar and doing exercises.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2018



All animals rely on senses of taste and smell to find acceptable food for survival. Chemoreceptors are found in the taste buds on the tongue in humans (Campbell, 2008), for example, for tasting food. Studies of sensory physiology have often used insects as experimental subjects because insects can be manipulated with ease and because their sensory-response system is relatively simple (E. Williams, personal communication). Flies are able to taste food by walking on it (Dethier, 1963). Hollow hairs around the proboscis and tarsi contain receptor neurons that can distinguish among water, salts, and sugars, and flies can distinguish among different sugars (Dethier, 1976). These traits enable them to find necessary nutrition. Fly


 In this experiment we tested the ability of the blowfly Sarcophaga bullata to taste different sugars and a sugar substitute, saccharin. Because sucrose is so sweet to people, I expected the flies to taste lower concentrations of sucrose than they would of maltose and glucose, sugars that are less sweet to people. Because saccharin is also sweet tasting to people, I expected the flies to respond positively and feed on it as well.


We stuck flies to popsickle sticks by pushing their wings into a sticky wax we rubbed on the sticks. Then we made a dilution series of glucose, maltose, and sucrose in one-half log molar steps (0.003M, 0.01M, 0.03M, 0.1M, 0.3M, and 1M) from the 1M concentrations of the sugars we were given. We tested the flies’ sensory perception by giving each fly the chance to feed from each sugar, starting with the lowest concentration and working up. We rinsed the flies between tests by swishing their feet in distilled water. We counted a positive response whenever a fly lowered its proboscis. To ensure that positive responses were to sugars and not to water, we let them drink distilled water before each test. See the lab handout Taste Reception in Flies (Biology Department, 2000) for details.


Flies responded to high concentrations (1M) of sugar by lowering their probosces and feeding. The threshold concentration required to elicit a positive response from at least 50% of the flies was lowest for sucrose, while the threshold concentration was highest for glucose (Fig. 1). Hardly any flies responded to saccharin. Based on the results from all Fly


 the lab groups together, there was a major difference in the response of flies to the sugars and to saccharin (Table 1). When all the sugars were considered together, this difference was significant (t = 10.46, df = 8, p < .05). Also, the response of two flies to saccharin was not statistically different from zero (t = 1.12, df = 8, n.s.).


This week, I have studying phrasal verbs and inversion. Moreover, I have seen some chapters of "Friends" in VO.

martes, 1 de mayo de 2018


More phrasal verbs using the verb take: 

To take away: remove something from one place and put it in the other. 
To take out: go to a restaurant and pay for everything.
To take around: show all the interesting features.
To take for: regard as.
To take aback: surprise or shock; to discomfit.
To take aside: get someone alone to talk to them.


Has there ever been a greater lie perpetuated by any customer care service as this? Eir's customer care is a joke.

My experience with your "customer care" has been a disaster from start to finish. Upon moving out of my house in February, Eir never got in touch with me about the modem in my house. Being the good citizen that I am, I rang Eir to ask them what I should do with the modem. They asked me to post it back to them, which I did immediately. Lo and behold three months later I was charged 53 euro for the modem. Eir, reached into my account and took my money without my permission and without informing me. I am now waiting around 12 weeks to get this money back because Eir, a massive company with a monopoly on the broadband market, "have no facility to refund my card" and seem to be lack the basic competence to write a cheque and send it to the new address, which I have provided 3 times. When I asked if there was someone, such as a supervisor, that I could speak to I was told that it would be against Eir's policy and that if I would like to make a complaint I should do so in writing. By refusing me this opportunity to speak to somebody, I feel Eir are demonstrating a complete lack of regard and "customer care" for their clients. Upon ringing up today and being transferred to the relevant operator as I don't have my account number or phone number for the account anymore, the agent refused to look up my details as "it was against data protection" even though I explained to her three times that Eir have found my account 6 times in the last 6 weeks, using my address and email details. The aforementioned "care" agent then just hung up on me. I'm sure you can't deny that this whole saga is a sorry indictment of Eir's billing system and really points to the fact that Eir simply do not really care about their customers. I have never been so dissatisfied with any provider of any service I have ever received.

This week, I have been doing some exercises of grammar and I have seen a film in English.

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018


Tropical Storm Fakir turns deadly after unleashing destructive winds, mudslides on La Reunion

Tropical Storm Fakir has caused at least two deaths after it unleashed a direct hit on La Reunion on Tuesday.
The island nation of Mauritius also took a direct hit, but there have been no reports of fatalities at this time.
A tropical low northeast of Madagascar quickly intensified into Tropical Storm Fakir late on Monday. Traveling through a zone of favorable conditions, the storm spiked to a severe tropical cyclone before hitting La Reunion head on.
Wind gusts of 112 km/h (70 mph) were reported in Saint Pierre, on the southern end of La Reunion Island on Tuesday morning. These wind speeds are equivalent to that of a Category 1 hurricane in the Atlantic or East Pacific Ocean basins.
These powerful winds toppled trees and power lines and caused low visibility in wind-whipped rain.
"Fakir dumped nearly 390 mm (15 inches) of rain across parts of Reunion Island," said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Jason Nicholls.
This rainfall caused massive flooding and impassible roads in some places.

SUNNY OUTLOOK: Temperatures of up to 30°C forecast in Spain this weekend

GENERALLY stable and sunny weather will return to Spain this weekend and some areas could see the mercury rising to 30°C (86°F) a sure sign that summer is on its way!
Some storms may develop, however, in the west of Andalucia and southern Extremadura - mainly during Saturday afternoon.
Showers may also fall in Galicia and in northern areas of the Canary Islands.
On Sunday, Andalucia and Extremadura may also experience showers and occasional and scattered squalls may break out in the western half of the country.
During Saturday maximum temperatures of 20 - 24°C are predicted across much of the country although in some areas of Andalucia the mercury could hit 28 or even 30 degrees.
On Sunday temperatures are expected to climb a little more as much of the country will experience highs of 24 - 26 °C.

The graph shows average amount of days (24h) with precipitation during a month. When precipitation has surpassed 1mm per day (24h) it is defined as a day with precipitation. The mean period is 1961–1990. 

The graph shows average amount of days (24h) with precipitation during a month. When precipitation has surpassed 1mm per day (24h) it is defined as a day with precipitation. The mean period is 1961–1990.

These two graphs show us the differences between the rainfalls in Berlin, Germany and in Murcia, Spain. As we can check, there are huge differences between both countries. The first one has abundant rains throughout the year. January and December are the main months where it rains most, although during the rest of the year we can observe that there is an average of 9 or 8 milliliters in some months. The months that there are 7 milliliters are the months of summer and autumn like August, September and October. However, in April we find the same amount and, although, it is an abundant quantity, there is a big difference between Murcia and Berlin. Since in Murcia, it is one of the rainiest months in Murcia, and in Berlin one of the least rainy.

The second graph indicates the rainfall in Murcia. According to the information, the rainfall in this place in Spain is scarce. This city is southeast of Spain and is one of the hottest throughout the year, which is why it also affects rainfall. The rainiest months in this area of Spain are April, May, October, November and December with 4 milliliters of maximum rainfall. A big difference considering the measures of Berlin. In addition, we can observe that in the winter months such as January, February and March it rains in scarce quantities. Although, the worst rainfall measures are in summer with only, two and one milliliter from June to September. 

In conclusion, if you want to go on vacation to a place of beach, sun and heat, in which it does not rain much, your destination would be Murcia. On the contrary, if you prefer a place where there is sun but rarely during the year, you must choose Berlin. Even so, if you do not guide yourself according to the weather, you can visit both.

This week, I have seen the film "Pretty Woman" in English and moreover, I have studied grammar books.

martes, 24 de abril de 2018


Grand Canyon, immense canyon cut by the Colorado River in the high plateau region of northwestern Arizona, U.S., noted for its fantastic shapes and coloration.

The Grand Canyon lies in the southwestern portion of the Colorado Plateau, which occupies a large area of the southwestern United States and consists essentially of horizontal layered rocks and lava flows. The broad, intricately sculptured chasm of the canyon contains between its outer walls a multitude of imposing peaks, buttes, gorges, and ravines. It ranges in width from about 175 yards (160 metres) to 18 miles (29 km) and extends in a winding course from the mouth of the Paria River, near Lees Ferry and the northern boundary of Arizona with Utah, to Grand Wash Cliffs, near the Nevada state line, a distance of about 277 miles (446 km); the first portion of the canyon—from Lees Ferry to the confluence with the Little Colorado River—is called Marble Canyon. The Grand Canyon also includes many tributary side canyons and surrounding plateaus.

The greatest depths of the Grand Canyon lie more than a mile (some 6,000 feet [1,800 metres]) below its rim. The deepest and most spectacularly beautiful section, 56 miles (90 km) long, is within the central part of Grand Canyon National Park, which encompasses the river’s length from Lake Powell (formed by Glen Canyon Dam in 1963) to Lake Mead (formed by Hoover Dam in 1936). The North Rim, at approximately 8,200 feet (2,500 metres) above sea level, is some 1,200 feet (365 metres) higher than the South Rim. In its general colour, the Grand Canyon is red, but each stratum or group of strata has a distinctive hue—buff and gray, delicate green and pink, or, in its depths, brown, slate-gray, and violet.

The good thing about this place is the different colours and views which people could see in this great and amazing canyon. 

This week, I have listened to the radio some days and I also studied the grammar of the book.